发布时间 :2013-04-12  阅读次数 :3779



【报告人】: 周奕华 研究员




【联系人】:张大兵 教授





















植物如何形成细胞壁是一个重要的科学问题。作为植物细胞的基本结构,细胞壁的形成与植物生长发育密切相关。大量的研究表明,细胞壁形成的异常通常伴随着植物生长发育的异常。另外,作为基础代谢过程,细胞壁的合成与调控处于植物信号传导的最下游,植物对激素的反应、对环境的适应和对胁迫的应答最终会在细胞壁的形成和变化上体现出来。因此植物体内存在参与细胞壁形成及响应细胞壁改变的信号通路和应答机制。人们对这一过程的了解还极其不清楚。我们课题组通过研究矮秆、披叶等水稻突变体和拟南芥花粉管发育异常突变体及其野生型基因的功能,发现一些关键基因OsCSLD4 (Li et al., 2009) 、BC12(Zhang et al., 2010)、MGP4(Liu et al., 2011)、ILA1(Ning et al., 2011)等影响细胞有丝分裂或伸长过程,为揭示细胞壁形成及其在生长发育中的作用机制积累了数据。






茎秆强度是作物栽培育种中重要的农艺性状,与植株的抗倒伏性直接相关。主要由细胞壁、尤其是次生细胞壁提供,是其化学组成及物理结构的反映。目前对单子叶作物(如水稻)的茎秆强度分子机理研究还很不深入。本课题组独立或与李家洋院士实验室合作完成了BC14(Zhang et al., 2011)、BC3(Xiong et al., 2003)、BC12(Zhang et al., 2010)、BC11(Zhang et al., 2009)、BC10 (Zhou et al., 2009)等关键基因的图位克隆和功能研究工作。所开展的工作已涵盖从底物核苷酸糖运输到纤维素、非纤维素多糖合成与沉积,从膜泡转运到细胞骨架转换等细胞壁形成的重要过程。同时发现影响机械强度的重要 “出口”是纤维素的含量和纤维素微纤丝的排列。对于阐明作物茎秆强度这一重要农艺性状形成的分子机理及解决农业生产上存在的一些实际问题具有重要意义。






1. Song X, Liu L, Jiang Y, Zhang B, Gao Y, Liu X, Lin Q, Ling H, and Zhou Y*. Disruption of secondary wall cellulose biosynthesis alters cadmium translocation and tolerance in rice plants. Mol. Plant doi: 10.1093/mp/sst025. 2013


2. Wu B, Zhang B, Dai Y, Zhang L, Shang-Guan K, Peng Y, Zhou Y*, and Zhu Z*. Brittle Culm15 encodes a membrane-associated chitinase-like protein required for cellulose biosynthesis in rice. Plant Physiol. 159: 1440-1452. 2012


3. Zhang S, Song X, Yu B, Zhang B, Sun C, Knox J. P, and Zhou Y*.  Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting hemicellulose characteristics based on cell wall composition in a wild and cultivated rice species. Mol. Plant 5: 162-175. 2012


4. Ning J, Zhang B, Wang N, Zhou Y*, and Xiong L*. Increased leaf angle1, a Raf-Like MAPKKK that interacts with a nuclear protein family, regulates mechanical tissue formation in the lamina joint of rice. Plant Cell 23: 4334-4347. 2011


5. Zhang B, Liu X, Qian Q, Liu L, Dong G, Xiong G, Zeng D, and Zhou Y*.  A Golgi nucleotide sugar transporter modulates cell wall biosynthesis and plant growth in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108 (12): 5110-5115. 2011


6. Zhang B and Zhou Y*.  Study on rice brittleness mutants: A way to open the ‘black box’ of monocot cell wall biosynthesis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 53: 136-142. 2011


7. Liu X-L, Liu L, Niu Q-K, Xia C, Yang K-Z, Li R, Chen L-Q, Zhang X-Q, Zhou Y*, and Ye D*. MALE GAMETOPHYTE DEFECTIVE 4 encodes a rhamnogalacturonan II xylosyltransferase and is important for growth of pollen tubes and roots in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 65: 647-6606. 2011


8. Xiong G, Li R, Qian Q, Song X, Liu X, Yu Y, Zeng D, Wan J, Li J and Zhou Y*.  The rice dynamin-related protein DRP2B mediates membrane trafficking and thereby plays a critical role in secondary cell wall cellulose biosynthesis. Plant J. 64: 56-70. 2010


9. Zhang M, Zhang B, Qian Q, Yu Y, Li R, Zhang J, Liu X, Zeng D, Li J and Zhou Y*. Brittle Culm12, a dual-targeting Kinesin-4 protein, controls cell cycle progression and wall properties in rice. Plant J. 63: 312-328. 2010


10. Li M, Xiong G, Li R, Cui J, Tang D, Zhang B, Pauly M, Cheng Z*, and Zhou Y*. Rice cellulose synthase-like D4 is essential for normal cell wall biosynthesis and plant growth. Plant J. 60: 1055-1069. 2009


11. Zhang B, Deng L, Qian Q, Xiong G, Zeng D, Li R, Guo L, Li J, and Zhou Y*. A missense mutation in the transmembrane domain of CESA4 affects protein abundance in the plasma membrane and results in abnormal cell wall biosynthesis in rice. Plant Mol. Biol. 71: 509-524. 2009