【报告题目】Mode of action of Cry toxins and synergism between Cry and Cyt proteins
【报告人】Professor Alejandra Bravo
【报告地点】 我院1号楼105会议室
【联系人】何亚文, 34207941, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
María Alejandra Bravo de la Parra (born on 29 April 1961) is a Mexicanbiochemist who was laureated with the 2010 L'ORÉAL-UNESCO Award for Women in Science – Latin America for her work on a bacterial toxin that acts as a powerful insecticide.[1] Bravo has co-authored numerous papers with her husband Dr. Mario Soberon.
Bravo is a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Microbiology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).[4] She holds a bachelor, master and doctoral degrees in Basic Biomedical Research from the same university and she is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.[5]
Mario Soberón and Alejandra Bravo (2013). Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal three-domain Cry toxins: mode of action, insect resistance and consequences for crop protection. (FEMS MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS)
Mario Soberón and Alejandra Bravo (2011). Domains II and III of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab toxin remain exposed to the solvent after insertion of part of Domain I into the membrane. (THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY)
Alejandra Bravo and Mario Soberón (2010). Role of alkaline phosphatase from Manduca sexta in the mechanism of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab toxin. (THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY)
Alejandra Bravo and Mario Soberón (2009). Domain II Loop 3 of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab toxin is involved in a “Ping Pong” binding mechanism with Manduca sexta Aminopeptidase-N and cadherin receptors. (THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY)
Mario Soberón and Alejandra Bravo (2007) . Engineering modified Bt toxins to counter insect resistance. (SCIENCE)