发布时间 :2013-03-22  阅读次数 :2587



【报告题目】:Production of Biomass and Bioactive Compounds From Cell and Organ Cultures of Value-Added Medicinal Plants In Bioreactors

【报告人】:Prof. Kee Yoeup Paek

Professor and Director  of Horticultural Science Department, Chungbuk

National University


【报告时间】:2013年04月19 (周五)上午10:30





Today millions of people around the world consume plant-based medicines for a wide range of medical disorders, which made the global market for medicinal plants flourishing at a dramatic pace with billions dollars of profits every year (1). On the other hand, the increasing business for plant-based medicines also resulted in declining  population of plant species, many of which are at the verge of extinction. Research has been carried out for mass production of cell and root biomass and valuable compounds from medicinal plants without hazarding plant ecology, which eventually can benefit from the incorporation of in vitro protocols for the preservation of germplasm and the mass production of consistent plant materials.

One of the technologies developed for large scale production of secondary metabolites is bioreactor cultures of plant cell, tissue and organs. Bioreactors are usually described in a biochemical context as self-contained, sterile environments which capitalize on liquid nutrient or liquid/air inflow and outflow systems, designed for intensive culture and affording maximal opportunity for monitoring and control over microenvironment conditions (2). In this regard, bioreactor culture can be an advanced regeneration method for micropropagation and year-round  production of biomass (cells or organogenic or embryogenic propagules, shoots or roots as the final product), metabolites and enzymes. These benefits must be balanced against several unique challenges associated with bioreactor technology. Initial large capital investment for equipment includes substantial costs in repair, replacement part and up keep of bioreactor facilities. If contamination is introduced to a large batch of propagules, the cost and lost time can be devastated. In addition, handlings of numerous types of propagules are dependant on their characteristics and culture objectives to maximize biomass increase and/or accumulations of bioactive compounds, which complicate optimization of the whole process. In this presentation, we would like to introduce cell and organ cultures of value-added medicinal plants using bioreactor technology and related research results.