Advanced Bio-manufacturing Technology from Laboratory to Industry Application
发布时间 :2021-04-19  阅读次数 :8876






报告题目:Advanced Bio-manufacturing Technology from Laboratory to Industry Application

报告人:钟建江 特聘教授 博士生导师


主持人:徐俊 教授

时间:2021年4月22日 上午 10:00-11:20




Advanced bio-manufacturing technology is one of key competitive areas around the world, as it is very significant to national economical and social development. The challenges for bio-manufacturing include: (1) how to create efficient biocatalyst (cell line); (2) to elucidate the reaction mechanism and manipulate reaction conditions; and (3) how to design bioreactor/bioprocess to facilitate commercial production?

In this presentation, the speaker will introduce several case studies from his group to demonstrate their efforts to contribute to the bio-industry. Case Study 1 is medicinal mushroom biotechnology on production of ganoderic acids (bioactive triterpenoids). Case Study 2 is production of ginsenosides by plant cell culture technology. Case Study 3 is production of food additive (enzyme) by Streptomycete fermentation. The speaker strongly hopes that the students will learn from this lecture and actively share their discussion on “Advanced Bio-manufacturing Technology from Laboratory to Industry Application” and will make great contributions to this country’s bio-industry development after their graduation from SJTU.





