
The School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology (SLSB) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) was jointly founded by SJTU and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai Branch) in February 1997. After about 20 years of rapid development, SLSB has earned prestigious reputation and worldwide recognition in various areas of scientific research. While implementing educational reforms and optimizing the training system for students, we gathered a team of proficient teachers and researchers; among whom there emerged a number of prominent scholars with outstanding achievements in various fields of life sciences and biotechnology.
There are 5 departments in SLSB: the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Department of Genetics and Development Science, the Department of Microbiology, the Department of Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics, and the Department of Bioengineering. Besides the Life Sciences Experimental Teaching Center and the Public Instrument Service Platform, we are also known for various research institutes, such as the Bio-X Center. The State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism at the SLSB is a leading national institution in the area of microbial research, also being supplemented by other key labs, such as, the Education Ministry Key Laboratory for studies of genetics of developmental and neuropsychiatric disorders, and a National Center for Molecular Characterization of Genetically Modified Organisms.
The branch discipline in Biology in SLSB includes Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, Bio-engineering, and etc. Our school trains undergraduates in three specialties, including Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, and Bio-engineering, while providing students with cross-discipline training such as the Bioinformatics. The SLSB has two state personnel training bases for Life Sciences & Biotechnology and Biological Science, two Education Ministry special majors: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, and a Municipal Life Science Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. Currently there are two national key disciplines and three Shanghai key disciplines.
SLSB has a proficient and competent team of teaching and research with 139 members including 54 professors, 60 associate professors.The SLSB has two members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one recipient of the Thousands Talent Plan, seven "Cheung Kong Scholar" Chair Professors, nine winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, three Chief Scientists of the Major National Basic Research Program (973), and one National Outstanding Teacher. We also have a number of scholars with outstanding scholarship and academic achievements as well as a group of young academic leaders standing in the frontiers of scientific research.
1193 students are currently enrolled in the school, including 303 undergraduates, 439 Master students and 451 PhD students. In recent years, our school has received funding supports from the "985” and "211” projects. Under the key construction of SJTU, we have made great progress in curriculum development, scientific research, and personnel training. The SLSB is modifying training concepts and models, setting of discipline and curriculum, and the comprehensive personnel training, to fit the requirement of world-class university. Combined with two state-level bases of the National Institute for Biological Science Personnel Training Base and the National Life Sciences And Biotechnical Personnel Training Base, we started the six-year combined bachelor-master program and the eight-year bachelor-master- PhD program for incoming freshmen. With the efforts made by the teachers, SLSB has three National Advanced Courses, one National Bilingual Model Course, six Advanced Courses of Shanghai Municipality, and six University-level Advanced Courses. The graduate courses were further reformed, setting up eight graduate core courses to upgrade the quality of curriculum. The employment rate remains 100% for undergraduates and postgraduates; about 85% of our graduates pursue further studies and receive more advanced degrees.
We have formed a key team of academic leaders, who are influential in the development of academic research. A number of major and key projects were undertaken by our schools, including National Key Project for Basic Research (973 Project), Chinese High-Tech Program (863 Project), projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation, National Major Projects and Key Projects of Shanghai Municipality. The scientific research fund and research papers are increasing steadily over the years. The SLSB has won several awards such as the second prize of National Natural Science Award, National teaching awards, the Education Ministry Science and Technology Progress Award, and Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award. Faculties have accomplished a series of scientific research advancements that attracted worldwide attentions and published many important papers in international authoritative journals such as NATURE, NATURE GENETICS, NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, NATURE CELL BIOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, PNAS, PLANT CELL and MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY. Disciplines in our school, such as biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, microbiology, animal and plant science, have entered top 1% in ESI international rankings.
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China
Phone: +86-21-34205709
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